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Johnson 25hp Outboard Motor Manual

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johnson 9.9 outboard motor manual pdf service repair

Evinrude Johnson Outboard Motor Model Year Lookup Guide Please select a year range above to find the year your outboard engine was manufactured. For commerical engines between 1977 to 1999 please see the following: Commercial Outboard Model Year Look-up Guide. Across that same year span, Johnson Evinrude produced and sold no fewer than 4 different 2-stroke motors rated at 25hp (the 2-cylinder, 521cc, the 2-cylinder 737cc, the 3- cylinder 913cc and the 3-cylinder 933cc). This makes proper engine identification important for everything from ordering parts to even just using the procedures in this manual.

This Repair Manual Covers: Safety Tuning Powerhead Fuel Ignition Electrical Accessories Lower unit Hand starter Maintenance Appendix.






Wire Identification – 9.9 hp and 15 hp with electric start – 1986 and on.
9.9 hp and 15 hp w/elec tr ic start — 1977-85
9.9 hp and 15 hp w/electric start — 1986 & on

Sections 8-9 and 8-10 — both lower units have propeller exhaust and use a sliding clutch dog. A detent ball and spring are used to hold the [mi t in the neutral position. The shift mechanism on the 9.9 hp and 15 hp models is forward of the forward gear, On the 35 hp model, the shift mechanism is just aft of the reverse gear.

In many cases, it is simply not enough to refer to a motor as a 9.9 hp model, since in these years JohnsonlEvinrude produced four different 2- cylinder motors with that rating (the 211cc Cstroke, the 216cc 2-stroke, the 255cc 2-stroke, and the 305cc 4-stroke). Across that same year span, Johnson Evinrude produced and sold no fewer than 4 different 2-stroke motors rated at 25hp (the 2-cylinder, 521cc, the 2-cylinder 737cc, the 3- cylinder 913cc and the 3-cylinder 933cc). This makes proper engine identification important for everything from ordering parts to even just using the procedures in this manual.

Johnson 25hp Outboard Motor Manual

On some versions of 9.9115 hp (305cc), the timing belt is visible at one point in the manual starter cover. On most 819.9 hp (211cc) and 516 hp (128cc) motors, the belt is partially visible under the manual starter cover, but a thorough inspection is much easier once the manual starter cover and/or assembly is removed. For 70 hp (1298cc) motors, the flywheel cover must be removed to inspect the belt.


Johnson 25 Hp Outboard Problems

1. For safety when working around the flywheel, disconnect the negative battery cable andlor disconnect the leads from the spark plugs, then ground the leads on the powerhead.

2. Remove the manual starter assembly or the flywheel cover, as applicable, for better access to the timing belt.

3. Twixtor download. Use low-pressure compressed air to blow debris out from under the camshaft pulley, flywheel and timing belt.

4. Visually check the belt for worn, cracked or oil soaked surfaces. Slowly rotate the flywheel (by hand) while inspecting all of the timing belt cogs.

5. Visually check the camshaft pulley and flywheel teeth for worn, cracked, chipped or otherwise damaged surfaces.

6. If the belt and or pulleys are damaged, replace them as described under Powerhead in this manual.

7. If removed, install the manual starter assembly or flywheel cover to the powerhead.

8. Install the spark plugs, then connect the leads followed by the negative battery cable and the engine cover.

For 9.9hp models, proceed as follows:

a. Remove the manual starter for access. On 216cc models, hold the starter pinion securely against the starter base to keep the recoil spring retained, then loosen the mounting screw and remove the assembly with the screw. Position the assembly on aide on 216cc models and install a 318-16 nut on the starter mounting screw.

b. For 216cc models, remove the low speed adjustment knob.

c. Loosen the 4 (216cc) or 2 (255cc) retaining screws and remove the air intake silencer cover. On 216cc models you'll have to tilt the base in order to get it past the low speed needle.

d. Remove the choke knob detent and chock knob (216cc models) or the choke lever (255cc models).

e. Remove the cam follower screw and washer (216cc models) or cam follower O-ring (255cc models).

5/6 Hp (128cc) And 8/9.9 Hp (211cc) 4-Stroke Motors

516 Hp (128cc) and 8/9.9 Hp (211cc) 4-Stroke Motors

9.9/10/41/15 Hp (216cc), 9.9/10/15 Hp (255cc) and 18 JET-35 Hp (52lcc)Motors

819.9 Hp (211cc), 9.9-15 Hp (2161255~a~n) d 9.9115 Hp (305cc) Motors

819.9 Hp (211cc), 9.9-15 Hp (2161255~a~n) d 9.9115 Hp (305cc) Motors

Deluxe (87cc). 51618 Ho ( 1 6 4 ~ ~9).9.1 10114i15 HD (216cc). 9.9110115 Hp (255cc) and 18'jet-35 H~ (52lcc)'motors

Starter circuit testing – 9.9/15 hp (305cc) 4-stroke tiller control models

Wiring Diagram – 1997-98 Tiller Electric 9.9 Hp (211cc) 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995-01 Rope Start 9.9115 Hp (305cc) 2-Cylinderlrl-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995-01 Tiller Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-CylinderI4-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995 Remote Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors


Wiring Diagram – 1996-01 Remote Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors

This INSTANT REPAIR MANUAL DOWNLOAD for the Mercury-Mariner, Johnson-Evinrude, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha 25 horsepower outboard engines were designed primarily for factory service 25 horsepower outboard technicians in a properly equipped shop. However, enough information in 25 horsepower outboard repair manuals is given for do-it-yourself or apprentice mechanics to correctly and safely perform repair work to their 25 horsepower outboard motor and components. Individuals using this 25 horsepower outboard marine repair manual should possess basic knowledge of tools and mechanical theory. The outboard marine mechanic should carefully read the text and become familiar with the 25 horsepower marine engine service manual procedures before beginning the work. Some repair procedures in this 25 horsepower outboard downloadable manual may require the use of special tools. Its recommended to only use the exact tools, as specified in the factory 25 horsepower outboard manual. Most tools can be rented at local parts stores. There's nothing these 25 horsepower repair manuals doesn't cover. From 25 horsepower maintenance procedures to complete 25 horsepower outboard engine overhaul, these 25 horsepower manual covers it all.

Mercury-Mariner, Johnson-Evinrude, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki 100 Common Searches. Manuals available for most year models: 1965 1967 1966 1969 1968 1971 1970 1972 1971 1986 1985 1987 1986 1989 1988 1991 1990 1993 1992 1994 1993 1996 1995 1998 1973 1975 1974 1977 1997 2000 1999 2002 2001 2004 2003 2006 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1976 1979 1978 1981 1980 1983 1982 1984 1983
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Johnson 25hp Outboard Motor Manual




Wire Identification – 9.9 hp and 15 hp with electric start – 1986 and on.
9.9 hp and 15 hp w/elec tr ic start — 1977-85
9.9 hp and 15 hp w/electric start — 1986 & on

Sections 8-9 and 8-10 — both lower units have propeller exhaust and use a sliding clutch dog. A detent ball and spring are used to hold the [mi t in the neutral position. The shift mechanism on the 9.9 hp and 15 hp models is forward of the forward gear, On the 35 hp model, the shift mechanism is just aft of the reverse gear.

In many cases, it is simply not enough to refer to a motor as a 9.9 hp model, since in these years JohnsonlEvinrude produced four different 2- cylinder motors with that rating (the 211cc Cstroke, the 216cc 2-stroke, the 255cc 2-stroke, and the 305cc 4-stroke). Across that same year span, Johnson Evinrude produced and sold no fewer than 4 different 2-stroke motors rated at 25hp (the 2-cylinder, 521cc, the 2-cylinder 737cc, the 3- cylinder 913cc and the 3-cylinder 933cc). This makes proper engine identification important for everything from ordering parts to even just using the procedures in this manual.

On some versions of 9.9115 hp (305cc), the timing belt is visible at one point in the manual starter cover. On most 819.9 hp (211cc) and 516 hp (128cc) motors, the belt is partially visible under the manual starter cover, but a thorough inspection is much easier once the manual starter cover and/or assembly is removed. For 70 hp (1298cc) motors, the flywheel cover must be removed to inspect the belt.

Johnson 25 Hp Outboard Problems

1. For safety when working around the flywheel, disconnect the negative battery cable andlor disconnect the leads from the spark plugs, then ground the leads on the powerhead.

2. Remove the manual starter assembly or the flywheel cover, as applicable, for better access to the timing belt.

3. Twixtor download. Use low-pressure compressed air to blow debris out from under the camshaft pulley, flywheel and timing belt.

4. Visually check the belt for worn, cracked or oil soaked surfaces. Slowly rotate the flywheel (by hand) while inspecting all of the timing belt cogs.

5. Visually check the camshaft pulley and flywheel teeth for worn, cracked, chipped or otherwise damaged surfaces.

6. If the belt and or pulleys are damaged, replace them as described under Powerhead in this manual.

7. If removed, install the manual starter assembly or flywheel cover to the powerhead.

8. Install the spark plugs, then connect the leads followed by the negative battery cable and the engine cover.

For 9.9hp models, proceed as follows:

a. Remove the manual starter for access. On 216cc models, hold the starter pinion securely against the starter base to keep the recoil spring retained, then loosen the mounting screw and remove the assembly with the screw. Position the assembly on aide on 216cc models and install a 318-16 nut on the starter mounting screw.

b. For 216cc models, remove the low speed adjustment knob.

c. Loosen the 4 (216cc) or 2 (255cc) retaining screws and remove the air intake silencer cover. On 216cc models you'll have to tilt the base in order to get it past the low speed needle.

d. Remove the choke knob detent and chock knob (216cc models) or the choke lever (255cc models).

e. Remove the cam follower screw and washer (216cc models) or cam follower O-ring (255cc models).

5/6 Hp (128cc) And 8/9.9 Hp (211cc) 4-Stroke Motors

516 Hp (128cc) and 8/9.9 Hp (211cc) 4-Stroke Motors

9.9/10/41/15 Hp (216cc), 9.9/10/15 Hp (255cc) and 18 JET-35 Hp (52lcc)Motors

819.9 Hp (211cc), 9.9-15 Hp (2161255~a~n) d 9.9115 Hp (305cc) Motors

819.9 Hp (211cc), 9.9-15 Hp (2161255~a~n) d 9.9115 Hp (305cc) Motors

Deluxe (87cc). 51618 Ho ( 1 6 4 ~ ~9).9.1 10114i15 HD (216cc). 9.9110115 Hp (255cc) and 18'jet-35 H~ (52lcc)'motors

Starter circuit testing – 9.9/15 hp (305cc) 4-stroke tiller control models

Wiring Diagram – 1997-98 Tiller Electric 9.9 Hp (211cc) 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995-01 Rope Start 9.9115 Hp (305cc) 2-Cylinderlrl-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995-01 Tiller Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-CylinderI4-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1995 Remote Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors

Wiring Diagram – 1996-01 Remote Electric 9.9 Hp (305cc) High Thrust 2-Cylinderl4-Stroke Motors

This INSTANT REPAIR MANUAL DOWNLOAD for the Mercury-Mariner, Johnson-Evinrude, Suzuki, Honda, Yamaha 25 horsepower outboard engines were designed primarily for factory service 25 horsepower outboard technicians in a properly equipped shop. However, enough information in 25 horsepower outboard repair manuals is given for do-it-yourself or apprentice mechanics to correctly and safely perform repair work to their 25 horsepower outboard motor and components. Individuals using this 25 horsepower outboard marine repair manual should possess basic knowledge of tools and mechanical theory. The outboard marine mechanic should carefully read the text and become familiar with the 25 horsepower marine engine service manual procedures before beginning the work. Some repair procedures in this 25 horsepower outboard downloadable manual may require the use of special tools. Its recommended to only use the exact tools, as specified in the factory 25 horsepower outboard manual. Most tools can be rented at local parts stores. There's nothing these 25 horsepower repair manuals doesn't cover. From 25 horsepower maintenance procedures to complete 25 horsepower outboard engine overhaul, these 25 horsepower manual covers it all.

Mercury-Mariner, Johnson-Evinrude, Yamaha, Honda, Suzuki 100 Common Searches. Manuals available for most year models: 1965 1967 1966 1969 1968 1971 1970 1972 1971 1986 1985 1987 1986 1989 1988 1991 1990 1993 1992 1994 1993 1996 1995 1998 1973 1975 1974 1977 1997 2000 1999 2002 2001 2004 2003 2006 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1976 1979 1978 1981 1980 1983 1982 1984 1983
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